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bet3365标准版包括车库门吗 and Opener?

如果你有美国家庭盾牌® 国内保修, you know how convenient it is to have someone you can call for help when a 覆盖设备 or 家庭系统 分解. But, like many of our members, you probably have questions about what parts of your home are covered. For example, does a 国内保修 cover garage door repair or garage door spring replacement? Does a 国内保修 cover the garage door opener itself?

We'll answer these questions and explain how 美国本土盾 can keep you covered with a bet3365标准版包括你的车库门.

What's Covered by Your 美国本土盾 国内保修?

与大多数bet3365标准版类似, your 美国本土盾 home service plan does not cover garage doors, 他们奔跑的轨道, or the springs that work to raise and lower them. Because of that, it will not cover garage door or garage door spring repair and replacement costs.

However, all of the parts and components of your garage door opener are covered. 

Since the garage door opener is a 家庭系统, it is covered under all three of our 家庭服务计划, which provide coverage for up to 23 家庭系统s and appliances that you use every day. 你可以 很容易比较成本 to determine which one meets your household's needs and budget.

的 average cost to repair a garage door opener is about $150-200*, plus parts, and the average cost to replace a garage door opener is between $300 and $500*. Because our 家庭服务计划 provide coverage for up to 23 major 家庭系统s and appliances, 修理或更换保修物品的费用, 比如你的车库开门器, 被照顾得很好. Other 家庭系统s that are covered include your A/C, 加热装置, 电气系统及附件, 管道系统及配件, 热水器, 和更多的. 


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Because your garage door is not covered by your 美国本土盾 home service plan, you will have to repair or replace it if it breaks. 在某些情况下, such as accidental damage to your home due to theft, 风暴, 火, 以及某些自然灾害, 车库门损坏可能由你的 房产保险. We’ll help break down some of the costs that may be associated with garage door replacement or repair so you can be prepared should you find yourself in that situation.

车库门的更换费用是多少? Garage door costs, like most things, can vary, depending on how much you’re willing to spend. 如果你想要基本款, 单尺寸门,无隔热, you can expect to pay an average of about $200 for the door itself, with the garage door installation cost bringing your tab up to an average of $370 to $600*, 这取决于你住在哪里. 保温车库门, double-car门, 门是由更昂贵的材料制成的, 像木头, 会花费更多. 你可以花10美元以上,000*根据材料在车库门上, 大小, 以及您选择的其他功能. Rest assured there are plenty of options based on your budget and needs though. 

车库门的弹簧怎么办? 的 springs provide the tension necessary to help raise and lower the garage door. 的re is quite a lot of tension in these springs, and it could be dangerous to try to repair or replace them yourself. You could be seriously hurt or even killed if you try to repair or replace your own garage door springs and something goes wrong. 为了安全, you should always have a trained professional perform any repair or replacement related to your garage door springs.

的 average garage door spring repair cost is around $180*, but it can go as high as $350 if the contractor has to take apart the bracketing system to get to the springs. At that point, you may be better off having your garage door springs replaced. Garage door spring replacement costs average about $200 to $300*, depending on factors like the type of door and garage door spring needed, 还有你居住地的劳动力成本.

If part of your garage door needs repairing and you’re feeling handy,  DIY garage door fixes can be a nice weekend activity. 加活跃? 周末结束前, you’ll feel very accomplished with your newly learned skills and handywork. 



Don’t let a faulty garage door opener ruin your day. bet3365标准版是来帮忙的. 与一个 美国家盾bet3365标准版, garage door opener repair or replacement costs, including installation, are covered. Just give us a call or go online to place a service request, and we’ll send a qualified contractor to your door to assess the issue.

Remember—although garage door repair and replacement isn’t covered, when your garage door opener isn’t working properly, rely on 美国本土盾 to get it up and running again. Our trusted network of Pros will have you in and out of your garage again!

*来源: http://homeguide.com/costs/garage-door-repair-cost


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